The South Australian Tourism Commission is a State Government Department. The SA Tourism Commission’s purpose is to assist in securing economic and social benefits for the people of our state through promoting South Australia as a tourism destination including the promotion of events and festivals and the further development and improvement of our state’s tourism industry.

Shannons is Australia’s leading insurance provider for motoring enthusiasts and Shannons Auctions is Australia’s leading auction house for veteran, vintage, classic, sporting and modified vehicles, as well as classic motorcycles, motoring memorabilia and numerical number plates.

Thank you to Burnside Village – this year’s Fashions on the Field partner. Burnside Village will be supplying Fashions on the Field competition prizes worth over $2,000.
For more information and to enter, visit our Fashions on the Field page.

Stuckey Tyre Service is Australia’s leading distributor of motorsport tyres. In addition to Dunlop motorsport tyres (which they have distributed since 1972), they also distribute Michelin vintage tyres and Avon motorsport tyres.